
    Rail Transit Substation Automation System
    Rail Transit Substation Automation System
    Rail Transit Substation Automation System
    System introduction
    Main substation secondary system for urban rail transit

    In the centralized power supply mode, each line is equipped with 2 or 3 110kV main substations, including subway, light rail and urban railway.

    Telecontrol communication management machine and A RTU measuring and control device
    Relay protection device, fault recorder, little current ground connection system
    Automatic standby power switch device, frequency voltage emergency control device, security and stability control equipment, oscillation splitting device

    PSCADA system for urban rail transit

    Monitor the combined substations, step-down substations and follow-up substations.

    PSCADA system, substation protection system and network security device independently developed by DFE have successfully passed the test of China Academy of Railway Sciences and actually been put into operation.

    Substation Automation - System Architecture

    Industry performance
    Urban rail transit performance

    Integrated Supervision and Control System ( ISCS )

    Wuhan Metro Line 3/4, Suzhou Metro Line 4, Changsha Metro Line 1, Shijiazhuang Metro Line 1, Changchun Metro Line 1, Qingdao Metro Line 2/3, Harbin Metro Line 1, Nanjing Metro Line 10 and Guangzhou Metro Line 6. 

    Scheduling network and safety protection equipment

    Nanchang Metro Line 2 .

    Static var generator (SVG)

    Qingdao Metro Line 3/11, Nanning Metro Line 1, Chongqing Metro and Changsha Metro. 

    Substation PSCADA

    PSCADA transformation of Tianjin Metro Line 4, Puyou Station of Shanghai Metro, Eastern Loop Line of CARS National Railway Test Center, Xi'an Metro Line 5 Phase I/2, Wenshan Tram Line 4 and Shanghai Metro Line 2. 

    Environmental monitoring and energy saving control

    High/low-voltage integration in air conditioning room of Zhengzhou Metro Line 2, Chongqing Rail Transit Line 4/10 Line/Loop Line, Chongqing Rail Transit Line 2 Phase I, Capital Airport Express of the Beijing Subway, East Section of Beijing Metro Line 15, Chongqing Metro Line 3 Phase II, Chongqing Metro Line 6 Phase I, Branch Line of Chongqing Metro Line 6, Harbin Metro Line 1/2 and West Section of Beijing Metro Line 15. 

    Power supply scheduling system for urban rail transit

    Shenzhen Metro NOCC power supply scheduling system and Wenshan Tram Line 4. 

    Video security

    Main substation of Chengdu Metro Line 13. 

    AC/DC power

    Beijing Subway Capital Airport Express, Beijing Metro Line 14/15/16, Hunnan Tram, Chongqing Line 2/3/6, Qingdao Metro Line 3, Harbin Metro Line 3, Nanchang Metro Line 2 Phase I, Harbin Metro Line 1/2, Modern Tram in Hunnan New District of Shenyang. 

    Intelligent O&M system for power supply: pilot of Beijing Metro Line 8 and Shanghai Metro Line 2. 

    Intelligent patrol robot: pilot of Qingdao Metro Line 11. 

    Railway performance

    Substation protection monitoring

    Changbai Railway - External Power Supply Project, External Power Supply Project of Da'an Traction Station in Baicheng City, Jilin Province, External Power Supply Project of Baicheng - Arxan Railway- Jilin Baicheng Western Traction Substation, External Power Supply Project of Tongliao - Ranghulu Railway-Jilin Songyuan Qian'an Traction Station, Siping - Qiqihar Railway-Baicheng Kaitong Traction Station, Zhenlai Traction station, Tantu traction station, Chongqing - Guiyang Railway-Chongqing Western Traction Station Project, Chongqing - Guiyang Railway - Chongqing Shuangshan Substation Project, Wanhua Railway Substation, Xi'an - Chengdu High-Speed Railway Traction Station, Eastern Loop Line of CARS National Railway Test Center

    Primary switch cabinet

    Beijing Pingxifu Depot, Distribution Station of Shenhua Railway Huanghua Port, State Grid, China Southern Power Grid.

    AC/DC power supply panel

    Datong - Qinhuangdao Railway, Shenyang - Tieling Intercity Railway, State Grid and China Southern Power Grid.

    Electric energy metering

    National Railway Administration (procurement and installation of State Grid), State Grid, China Southern Power Grid.

    Substation RTU

    Eastern Loop Line of CARS National Railway Test Center, State Grid, China Southern Power Grid.

    Substation auxiliary monitoring

    State Grid, China Southern Power Grid.

    Substation and line online monitoring system

    Online temperature measurement at Yamenkou Substation of China Railway Beijing Group Co., Ltd., State Grid, China Southern Power Grid.

    Energy management system

    State Grid, China Southern Power Grid.

    Unattended substation system integration

    Yamenkou Substation of China Railway Beijing Group Co., Ltd., State Grid, China Southern Power Grid.